Stefanie Schwartz

Stefanie Schwartz

M.S., R.D., CDN   Mobile: 914-330-5177

"Stefanie takes the time to learn about you and tailor a nutrition solution that is compatible with who you are now and who you would like to become."

Getting and staying healthy isn’t about dieting or depriving yourself of the foods that you love. Stefanie takes the time to learn about you and will tailor a nutrition solution that is compatible with who you are now and who you would like to become. You will receive unlimited guidance, knowledge, and support from Stefanie every step of the way. Stefanie makes it easy for you to focus on your health and wellness with expert analysis and custom diet plans. Since opening her practice in 1996 Stefanie has helped countless people reach their potential.

Managing diabetes or other illnesses starts with eating the right foods. Altering your diet to be healthier doesn't mean you have to give up all of your favorites! Stefanie will work with you to create a nutritional plan that fits your lifestyle.

Speaking Engagements

Stefanie travels to a variety of venues to give motivational lectures about the importance of nutrition and exercise. These talks promote health and well-being in your employees' lives, which in turn creates meaningful relationships and better work habits. People are always more friendly, alert, and productive when they stay healthy! Stefanie has spoken at:

  • Corporate Events
  • Retreats
  • Company Meetings
  • Schools
  • Doctor's Offices
  • Hospitals
  • and more!

With over 20 years of experience as a nutritionist, Stefanie brings an enormous amount of scientific knowledge to all that she does, and you can expect to walk away from her lecture feeling enlightened and motivated to start living healthy and being more active. You'll learn techniques you can put to use right away!

Nutrition Tailored for You

Tailored for You

"Getting and staying healthy isn’t about dieting or depriving yourself of the foods that you love."
Health and Wellness

How can you make informed decisions about your health and diet when the media bombards you with mixed messages daily, touting new diets and miracle weight-loss cures? Stefanie will take the time to learn about your unique body issues, and will tailor a nutrition solution for you that works in the long run. You will receive unlimited guidance, knowledge, and support from Stefanie along the way.

Menopausal Health

If you are like most women, you have suffered with weight gain along with other challenges that accompany the menopause transition. You do not have to accept those extra pounds as your fate! With the expert guidance of Stefanie, you can reverse the process of weight gain through tailored nutrition plans that focus on getting you to eat healthy and stay active.

Medical Nutrition Counseling

The secret to transformative health lies in Stefanie’s ability to tune in to your unique body, health history, and goals. Stefanie's 20 years of experience coupled with her focus on discerning your specific needs and motivating you are invaluable for creating the healthy life that you deserve, and are worth so much more than an unread book gathering dust on your end table or the newest fad diet that leaves you feeling powerless in your struggle for good health.

Adolescent Nutrition

Let's help your child handle the hard stuff... These days it's hard to keep track of whether your teenager is keeping up with eating healthy and staying active. With raging hormones, and the stress of homework and social events, healthy living often takes the backseat. Stefanie will take the time to get to know your adolescent, and create a customized diet and exercise plan that works for him or her, even in the midst of high-school dances, exams, and family events.

Nutritional therapy for your growing teenager may address:
Sports Nutrition Training

As an athlete you have different nutritional needs for optimal performance. Stefanie uses the latest scientific research to provide athletes of all levels with individualized nutrition plans based on their performance and fitness goals. Your training schedule and lifestyle determine your nutritional guidelines. You'll receive an expert analysis that will help you improve endurance and speed muscle recovery. Stefanie works with:

Customized plans for all types of athletes

Stefanie has helped many competitive athletes reach their performance goals through proper training and racing nutrition. Such athletes range from marathoners qualifying for the Boston Marathon to triathletes completing their first (or eighth) half ironman or full Ironman triathlon, to multi-day adventure racers and collegiate and professional athletes. She also enjoys working with recreational and aspiring athletes.

Real People, Real Results

"No matter what the reason for seeking her services, if you are looking for someone to custom-tailor a program that solves your healthcare issues — while guiding you every step of the way – look no further than Stefanie Schwartz."   - Lynn, Chapaqua

"For years, my weight fluctuated... 5 pounds gained in winter, 5 pounds lost in summer..." - Gail, Tarrytown
"On the beach in my bikini feeling confident..." - Michelle, Brooklyn
"Stefanie was able to clue into my individual trigger foods..." - Margie, Pound Ridge
"You taught me how to take control of my food addiction..." - Salvatore
"I realize now, it’s the journey that gets me there..." — Pam, Ossining
"Ready to be healthy again, lose unwanted pounds, and regain a positive sense of self? Stefanie is the one!" - Nancy, NYC
"Stef and I put together a meal plan that would easily fit into my lifestyle..." — Barbara, Pleasantville
"It's about staying open to all the possibilities..." — Mary, Tarrytown
"Warmth, understanding and strength..."
"Stefanie changed my life..."


A New Wardrobe...

I began gaining additional weight but felt my eating habits did not change, so why were the pounds adding on? After meeting Stefanie Schwartz I learned that I was not eating the proper foods. I met Stefanie over one year ago and am happy to say I have lost 27 pounds and went down 3 sizes. I lost the weight over a seven month period. Stefanie was able to clue into my individual trigger foods yet at the same time arrange a simple to follow daily food program to fit my lifestyle to include the foods I enjoy eating. I did not have to choose among foods that did not appeal to me which made it very easy for me to follow without any effort. In addition I incorporated walking outdoors for exercise which is now part of my daily routine. When my husband and I dine out I have learned that restaurants will gladly substitute one side dish for another when I feel it is a healthier and wiser option for me. I am still able to enjoy cake and my favorite chips on occasion without feeling guilty. Thank you Stefanie. I am so pleased that I came to you! P.S. One more perk in addition to losing the weight is that I had to buy a brand new wardrobe. Fun!!
- Margie, Pound Ridge


49 Pounds...

So often, we reach out and no one's there to help; or can help. I was at hopeless, and contemplating just giving up. Out of desperation, I reached out again, and was blessed to find a special person answering. You see, I had more than a serious problem with eating and felt powerless to control it. Reaching out saved my life, because that special person who answered, was you, Stephanie. You taught me how to take control of my food addiction. Without your instruction and guidance, I would be 49 pounds heavier today. Instead I’m 49 pounds less, and counting. Stephanie, I will forever be grateful to you for teaching me how to save, and extend my life. With deep appreciation and love…
— Salvatore



My first meeting with Stef was daunting. I knew I needed drastic change. But I simply did not know the hard work that it would take to get me to my destination. Of course I realize now, it’s the journey that gets me there, not the destination. Ok so stick to the meal plan, eliminate all sugar, carbs and simply stick to the plan. Well how many ways can I obscure the plan? I tried and Stef put me straight every time. She was also brutaly honest with me. By setting the ground rules of absolute honesty and intractable compliance, I found my way. I remember phrases from our first meeting, it’s as if she saw right through me to my soul. And it resonated. Each meeting was a revelation. Admittedly, I was ready for the change, just lazy and over confident about the challenge. Tears, honesty, hunger, triumph. Thanks to Stef’s daily encouragement via email and weekly soul searching guidance, I slowly became successful. For the first time in my life I began to feel hunger, make healthy choices and the pounds began to melt off. She was so right. I’m still not 100% there yet, but I’m so sure now that I can get there firstly with Stef’s expert guidance, honesty and faith in my commitment, secondly because I am willing to do the work. If you are willing to do the work, she will definitely be the wind beneath your wings! This has been a life changing journey for me. Stef’s belief in me, her persistence, and her expertise in knowing my personality and knowing when I needed tough love and cheerleading, is why she is so successful and why I’ll always be grateful for her help. To give my testimony some context, I am a 62 year old woman who has tried and failed to make every diet trick in the book work. I know failure, but let me tell you, success is better. Only being honest with myself, recognizing my long held habits that were working against my goal of being at my optimal weight, being healthy, ridding myself of slavery to sugar and bad carbs, has worked for me. Understanding that not overthinking, not twisting facts to meet my addictive tendencies and being honest with myself about what I want, ultimately works. It’s Stef’s expertise and ability to work with my personality that makes her absolutely the best at what she does.
— Pam, Ossining


Don't Kid Yourself...

Want lasting results? Ready to be healthy again, lose unwanted pounds, and regain a positive sense of self — Stefanie is the one! No fad diets, no checking in on a scale, and no starving. Ready to listen to an expert who won't let you down? Don't kid yourself, changing old habits requires commitment, and sometimes those old voices tell us otherwise. If you are ready to follow a personalized food plan that Stefanie makes for each individual client, feel full without carving more food after you've eaten, and gain the physical and psychological rewards of feeling and looking better — my experience with Stefanie guarantees all of the above and more than I could have imagined, or truly believed when I met with her. I was simply willing to follow her advice, direction, and food plan.
— Nancy, NYC


Lucky Me...

When you go for an annual physical and your doctor gives you three prescriptions in one hand and the business card for, in her opinion, the best nutritionist in the area, you call. And that is what got me in the hands of who I now know to be the best nutritionist anywhere. In my first visit, Stef assured me that my diet related diseases, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes were reversible and that in four to six months I would no longer need any meds. While considering my medical issues, as well as food likes and dislikes, Stef and I put together a meal plan that would easily fit into my lifestyle. And so, four months later, while eating only foods that I enjoyed and in quantities that were always satisfying, the day came when I no longer needed any meds and I enjoyed significant and much needed weight loss. It is now three and a half years since my first visit with Stef and the changes that have evolved in my life as a result of numerous meetings are truly remarkable. I have learned how adopt healthy eating habits, how to grocery shop, how to eat out in restaurants even those with difficult menus, how to set up my kitchen food pantry and refrigerator, how to prepare vegetables that are truly scrumptious, how to eat at parties, how to this and how to that. All the time my weight was peeling off usually between one to two pounds a week. And all while Stef's warm heart and fun personality made the journey truly enjoyable! Her expert nutritious advice, wealth of knowledge, and ability to listen and learn how to best motivate me is impressive. Sixty pounds lighter and healthier than I have ever been, I have a newly found confidence and a sense of well-being that makes me feel forever indebted to Stef. She has helped me to feel empowered and has enriched my life in more ways than I can recount at the moment. My dysfunctional eating habits are no longer. My size 6 pants have replaced my size 18. My family now complains if I don't serve my "Stef recipes". My doctor calls me her miracle patient. My son calls me "a hottie". My lab tests results are hung on my refrigerator door! I enjoy the feeling of receiving compliments. I can now enjoy sports and exercising. My medicine cabinet is empty. The list goes on and on!!! I have referred many friends, family, acquaintances and even strangers (when asked) to Stef. I believe everyone can benefit from the enrichment Stef provides. She is a little wellness center with the biggest heart! Lucky me! Lucky you!
— Barbara, Pleasantville


Open to Possibilities...

After three and a half years of working with Stef Schwartz, I can simply say that she saved my life. Only it wasn't simple. Looking back to those first weeks, I don't remember them as being particularly tough, but I remember that Stef was tough. She didn't buy my excuses and didn't want to hear them! " Eat clean!", "Tighten up" and "Dinner done" became buzz words I heard in my head all the time. I trusted her almost immediately and was amazed as the pounds dropped off. I asked Stef in the beginning why her way worked and all the others didn't. She told me that they didn't treat the addiction. That was my trigger word. It put my problem into a different realm. Bang, I could do this. I was able to lose 85 pounds working with Stef. I loved the food I was eating and the way my clothes looked on me. I was alway a "big" girl. Now I wasn't anymore. Then the real work began. Back problems brought pain and the promise of surgery. I wanted to know why I bothered losing all that weight. The pounds started to pile up and that yo-yo effect took over. Stef wouldn't let me give up. To use a fighter's analogy, she worked with me to fight my way out of that corner. She wouldn't allow me to be a victim. She made me realize that I control my destiny. Stef has walked the weight loss road herself. She can relate and she taught me that it's not about surrendering. It's not about quitting. It's about staying open to all the possibilities. Stef is my coach and my mentor. She kicks my butt when I need it, and she has become my friend.
— Mary, Tarrytown


Warmth, understanding and strength...

Stefanie Schwartz is a weight-loss whisperer. Stefanie helped me to overcome an over-eating disorder that I have struggled with for over 24 years. After so many years of struggle the weight loss I experienced with Stefanie has felt nothing short of magical. The day that I called Stefanie I had two other weight-related tasks on my to do list. First, and I am being completely serious, I planned to call the company that sold me my bathroom scale and complain that it was broken as it had slowly crept up 1 pound a month every month for the past year for no apparent reason. Second, in the off-chance that my scale wasn't broken, and that I had actually gained 11 pounds in the past year despite consistently checking my weight watchers app on my iPhone, I called to make an appointment with my doctor to check my thyroid. I called Stefanie because I saw so many positive reviews on an on-line moms group that I thought I would give her a try - but I honestly thought she would never help me; Weight Watchers, which I had tried for about 10 years had not helped me, a whole foods diet did not help me, a costly organic meal delivery service did not help me, the non-fat diets of the 90s did not help me, Atkins did not resonate with me, exercise kept me moving but never tipped the scale. Stefanie was the first person in my life who intrinsically understood every aspect of my overeating. She worked tirelessly with me to get me over the hump of combatting my various food addictions and cravings. She offered me highly detailed meal plans that were tailored just to me. With a combination of warmth, understanding and strength she got me through my addictions, my cravings and my need to over-eat. I canceled my doctors appointment as the pounds started shedding. The pounds continued to melt off well past my original weight loss goal. At one point I genuinely considered calling my scale company to complain because my scale was going down, almost weekly, for no apparent reason. I seriously thought it must be broken in the other direction until I weighed myself at Stefanie's office. I rarely think about my weight now and my cravings are gone. After 24 years of struggle I have finally come, in a very short time, to understand my relationship with food and to feel comfortable in my own skin. Thank you Stefanie!


Stefanie changed my life...

Stefanie changed my life more than any other professional I have ever been to. I have struggled with chronic pain in my lower back for the past 20 years due to an unstable sacroiliac joint. Before I went to Stef my doctor thought that I had rheumatoid arthritis because my back was so inflamed. After a few months going to Stef and eating anti-inflammatory foods my pain subsided significantly. When I went back to the doctor he said that my inflammation was gone and that he no longer had any concerns about rheumatoid arthritis. I also lost weight as a result of her food plan and that has kept some of the pain at bay. I have about 15 friends who have gone to Stef and every single one of them found success with her – some had complicated medical conditions which they said she was brilliant with - many went to her because she is a weight loss whisperer. She has helped so many of my friends shed weight that they had been trying to shed for many years. She is a true life changer and I am so grateful I walked into her office 2 years ago.


On the Beach in My Bikini...

Feeling confident for the first time in 3 years! I’ve been wearing cute one pieces but that’s so not me!!! Bringing the bikini back strong with the help of Stef after starting with her in June 2020!!! Thank you!!!
— Michelle, Brooklyn


For years, my weight fluctuated...

For years, my weight fluctuated... 5 pounds gained in winter, 5 pounds lost in summer, which always upset me because of the hard work it took just to lose that winter weight. As I got older, the set point for those pounds, as well as the number of pounds, increased to the point that I had gone up a size and didn't like how I looked or felt. And my gynecologist's prediction that I would gain 5 pounds after menopause was right on, on top of the seasonal gains and losses. I'm an avid exerciser - and although that has kept me healthy, it has never impacted the numbers on the scale. I met with Stefanie just days before July 4, 2019 - what I now call my personal independence day. It's the day that Stefanie told me something that really resonated with me - that I was giving too much power to food. With Stefanie's help, I took back my power - food didn't have to control me. Stefanie guided me on a journey that has allowed me to lose 18-20 pounds - more than I actually intended - and keep it off. When she first created my eating plan (which I want to make very clear is totally individualized, taking into account foods I like), it was clearly low carb. Could I really cut out bread, pasta, rice, potatoes??? Absolutely! Why? Because there are so many substitutes that are delicious and satisfying - and I have a binder of recipes (most from the Internet!) to prove it. Stefanie's guidance and support has led me to a totally sustainable way of life, not simply a diet. It definitely requires planning and shopping so that everything I want and need is at my fingertips or ready to be prepared. I have now "graduated" myself to lower, rather than low carb, and still maintain my weight loss. I eat as much as I want, whenever I want, and that continues to work for me. There is no more "yo-yoing" with my weight, I love the way I look and feel, and have Stefanie to thank for changing my life. Thank you, thank you Stefanie!
— Gail, Tarrytown

Office Location

208 Heritage Hills - Somers, NY
tel: 914-330-5177


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Checkout Food & Mood the podcast I co-host with with Lara Fastman!

It's a conversation about food and mood. More specifically, the connection between the foods we eat, the moods we experience, and how they interact with each other. Nutritional and emotional health are intertwined. Stef & Lara will discuss the facts and easy-to-use strategies to assist you in navigating your health with the help of a diverse group of experts and their professional experiences.

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